

These are the top 3 questions most people are asking about the book: i) When will be the launch? ii) How can I get my copy? and iii) What inspires the book? Let’s start with the last one. Before you get your copy and find out the incredible secrets INSIDE this remarkable book, let me share with you one of the many inspirations BEHIND it…

I entered a classroom (kindergarten) for the first time ever in my life in 1994. On our way to the school that Monday morning, I still recall the words of my illiterate mother, “I can sacrifice anything to see you in school today because I want you to learn how to read and write all my letters for me tomorrow.” She said that in our local dialect. Five (5) years later, I started teaching my mom how to read the Bible because I could then read both the English and our local dialect versions of the Bible. In 2003, I completed high school (within 9 years) and told my mom, “Now I can read and write any letter for you. But I want to learn more so that I can be able to write books for you someday. I have to go to university.” Then, my mom said, “God can do anything, Emmanuel. Always trust Him.”

The road from the refugee camp to a university in Ghana was one of the toughest journey anyone like me could dare to travel. But I trusted the same God who helped me survive the bombs and bullets during the civil war in Liberia to also help me overcome the battle for education in Ghana. By the grace of God, in 2013 I graduated from one of the most prominent institutions of higher learning in Ghana, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), as the Best Student, Bachelors of Science in Economics. And today, I’ve completed one of the books I promised to dedicate to my sweet mother, my motivational coach.

I know very well she can’t READ it, but I really want her to FEEL it in her life; that’s why I’ve put all my best efforts into writing it. Although it’s a 200 plus page book, but every part, every page, every paragraph contains incredible inspirations that can impact anyone’s life tremendously. Trust me, this book can help you to overcome ANY situation in your life and to lead a life worth celebrating.

Currently, my team is working to get more reviews and endorsements, and to print more copies for the launch. The release date on Amazon and the date for the launch in Ghana will be announced soon. 

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