

Welcome to my wonderful blog. Few weeks ago, I started sharing five important secrets of the great people that have been a blessing to the world. The first secret I said is: GOD IS ALWAYS INVOLVED. You can read it below. The second secret is: RELATIONSHIP MATTERS A LOT. Now, you can't afford to miss this third secret: EXCELLENCE IS A KEY. I hope you are inspired by the time you get through reading... 

I really like the 9:10 Rule. Have you heard about this rule of life before? It is one of the most sacred secrets of the great people who have ever lived and it is found in the Bible, God’s instruction for the construction of your life to avoid destruction. The 9:10 rule states that, “Whatever thy hand finds to do, do it with all your might. For in the realm of the dead [grave], where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” I also refer to this rule as the Principle of Excellence and it appeals only to people who truly desire to be great. That is why the “e” in Great stands for “Excellence”.

You have every reason to expect the best from God, but you must also be willing to demand the best from yourself. Getting the best from God is called Providence, but getting the best from yourself is called Excellence. Once you’ve done your best, to God Your Father will do the rest. We have discussed the God factor in the equation of greatness already. Your personal contribution to the greatness equation is the excellent spirit you attach to what you are doing about our opportunity of life to become great.

Excellence is the third secret of becoming great and the secret of achieving excellence is paying close attention to details. Paying attention to details means every word in the book you’re writing or in the music lyrics you’re composing deserves your keen attention. Every minute of every day of your life deserves your attention and focus. Focus on the little things you do with the little time you have. It’s your little efforts you put into your work today that will produce the BIG results you shall be rewarded for tomorrow. Greatness is just the sum of your little efforts combined. Excellence is just a little key that opens the big door of greatness.

Excellence simply means doing something well; doing it to the best of your ability, doing it with all your might. Excellence is not being the best; it is doing your best. It’s doing your best that eventually makes you the best.  It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you often get it. N - W. Somerset Manghan. You only get the best through excellence.

The synonym for excellence is quality. In business, firms compete on quality; in life, people live on excellence. The difference is quality in business is perceived by the customers, but excellence in life is purposed by the Creator.  Your customers measure the quality of your product or service by the way they see it before they buy it, but your Creator measure the excellence of your life by the way He planned (purposed) it before He gave it to you. This is exactly why in business you cannot produce quality if you don’t know what your customers want, and similarly in life you cannot demonstrate excellence without knowing your purpose (why God give you the opportunity of life). So, in business to produce quality find out what your customers want from; and in life, to produce excellence, find out what your Creator want for you.  Your customer rewards your difference of quality at the close of a sale with cash, while your Creator rewards your difference of excellence at the end of life with a crown: “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Be the very best you can be, don’t be someone else. The world would actually be a very boring place if everyone were the same. You are unique. Cherish that uniqueness. You have been designed the way you are for what you have been assigned to do with your opportunity of life. You can have personal fulfillment if you are willing to build on your ability to do better than good enough. It’s not just enough to do well, move on to good, then graduate to better and get your best. That is excellence. Excellence is that little difference between the good and better; between better and the best.  Let your life make a difference; difference in your family, difference in your nation, difference in the world. If your life can make a difference through the power of excellence, the world will soon call you “great.”  Live your life in such a way that the world will be glad you did. Don’t be afraid to die. Be ashamed to die until you have scored a victory for your family, your nation and the world through the power of excellence.

One thing I know for sure and I can freely tell you from the depth of my heart is: you can never be perfect at anything, but you can be excellent. When you become perfect then it is finish, because perfection is completion; but when you are excellent you still enjoy the opportunity to improve and improve and improve. Excellence is one sure way by which you can maximize your potential on Earth. The last thing I can tell you about excellence here is that: the quality of your opportunity of life is directly proportional to your commitment to excellence. Pursue your purpose with excellence in all that you are able to do and you will become great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This article is so awesome you’ve rekindle my attitude toward the scale of life. i wish folks out there will be cognizant of this precious gift.